The Community Partnerships Program
Funding Providers
Mareeba Shire Council
MareebaFunding Type
Cash grant G13832
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Not-for-Profits
- Unincorporated Groups
Amount (max):Total pool: Undisclosed
The Mareeba Shire Council recognises the important contribution that community events, activities and projects conducted by volunteer community groups make to enhancing the liveability of the Mareeba Shire.
Council will consider requests for the following types of assistance:
- Cash Donations
- In-kind Assistance
- General Property Rate Rebates and Charge Remissions
- Water Consumption Donations
- Community Loans
Program Priorities
Priority will be given to requests for Council assistance that:
- Are from not for profit community groups and incorporated associations with very limited or no commerciality that rely primarily on volunteers, community fundraising, memberships and donations.
- Are for community-led events, activities and projects with limited or no commerciality.
- Demonstrate contributions by other partnership members, including significant fundraising efforts or volunteer contributions.
- Demonstrate significant community benefit will be achieved through the partnership.
- Demonstrate that the contribution by Council cannot be provided by any other partner and is crucial to the success of the event, project or activity.
- Demonstrate the self-sufficiency of community group and / or have a plan in place to become self sustaining, if the event is to be recurring.
- Are from not for profit community groups that receive no other Council assistance, or the level of assistance provided by Council has historically been low.
- Are for events, projects or activities that are financially viable.
- Align closely with the Mareeba Shire Council Corporate Plan.
Applicant Eligibility
The following eligibility criteria apply to Applicants making the request:
- The applicant is a not for profit organisation such as an incorporated or unincorporated association with an auspice body.
- The applicant can demonstrate financial viability and competence and the ability to achieve stated goals.
- Applicants must provide a copy of their most recent reconciled or audited financial statements, if requested.
- Applicants who have previously received Council assistance and have failed to meet the conditions of the assistance received, are not eligible.
- Associations and organisations that have an unmet debt to Council at the time of application, are not eligible.
- Parents and Citizens Associations are eligible for assistance for events, activities and projects that fall outside of the scope of the associated educational provider's responsibilities and which contribute to a broader community benefit.
- Not for profit organisations that receive operational funding from the Government, are only eligible where they are requesting assistance for an event, activity or project with community benefit that falls outside their funded activities.
- Applicants requesting rate rebate and charge remissions, water consumption donations or community loan must meet additional eligibility criteria as outlined in the Rate Rebate and Remissions Policy or the Community Loans Policy.
- Political organisations are not eligible.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Address: Mareeba Shire Council, PO Box 154, QLD 4880
- Phone: 1300 308 461
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.